Friday, April 8, 2011

I hate MRT.........

I seriously hate taking MRT during the peak hours because it is always crowded. I can take it if I have to stand throughout the whole MRT ride but I cannot stand squeezing and squashing with 175452092496432 passengers in the same train and everyone is dying to hop on the train. It gets worse during evening rides because that's when all the extra 'smells' come into the picture. Given the hot and humid weather in Singapore, it is not surprise that people sweat more. But imagine this......... after hours of sweating since the morning, the smelly and sticky sweaty skin surface gets squashed together in a peak hour train...... THAT'S GROSS!!!!! And the phenomenon will continue for at least a few hours..........

Singapore is seriously getting very crowded. It so easy to see because a supermarket in the heartland can also be crowded and it's no wonder that the people came about based on our government's open policy. I am not against the 'inorganic' population boom, but I feel infrastructure wise, we are still not ready to handle the growth. Perhaps we are, but it is still not fast enough.

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